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you are the universe


the sun is dark as it rises in the west

throwing curled shadows along his hair.

he doesn't want to move—

drawn along the white lines of bed sheets


hazel eyes gleam through the fading dark

distant, as they seem to watch a different time

unable to make of it, any reason or rhyme


his heart bleeds too passionate into his veins

the duet of lungs still ever expanding


like the greater cosmos


and then compressing like the inevitable reverse

of its birth


he creates stars in his boided universe;

their glittering dust exhaled with every breath


the planets gravitate in his inspiration

satellites and moons to his beating red earth

dark matter clouding the heavens of his eyes


trying to understand his constellations


but supernovas burst into his skin,

searing black holes into his flush flesh

leaving stardust in his eyes—

starstruck into his blood

that glitters with suns when it spills

New Hyde Park, NY (2014)

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